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Stop thinking: It’s what we’d all like to do, and what do you know? There’s a field of photography that demands it. Lomography devotees live by 10 Golden Rules, one of which is “Don’t think, just shoot.” The inspiration? A 35-millimeter camera, the Lomo, known for its brilliant colors, and now with a rabid cult following. Learn about the field at, the website for the Lomographic Society International. Browse galleries, upload and post Lomographic photos, and read the 10 Golden Rules. It’s candid; it’s spontaneous. It’s the stuff of regular moments, summed up by a single shot. Want to get started? Lomography requires a Lomo, for sale at, and when you receive your Lomo camera in the mail, you’ll become an observer of life, at its most significant and its most casual. You’ll feel enlightened after reading the story of Lomography—a long and fascinating history. Just don’t think about it too much.

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