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Planet Photoshop

“Stylized Comic Book Effect,” “Text Shape Layers,” “To 3D or Not to 3D?” Such are the tutorials, discussions, and other items discussed and detailed at Planet Photoshop, a website and blog devoted to providing tips, tutorials, and news about everything Photoshop-related. The site is a real find for graphic designers, photographers, or pretty much anyone else who loves to work with Photoshop. Choose the tutorials area, and you can just sink into the smart, thoughtful, and truly helpful advice about using Photoshop to “create billiard ball using the 3D tools in Photoshop Extended,” to craft “a logo with text arching around a center point,” or to develop “a dramatic movie poster effect using composite images inside a silhouette.” Reviews touch on Photoshop-related products, such as flatbed scanners and calibration software. If you live and breathe Photoshop, or even if you just want to experiment with it, this site is for you.


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