You want your child to learn how to ride a bike? Then you should consider buying what’s known as a balance bike (or sometimes a running bike), such as the Kazam, Skuut, or Strider. These bicycles don’t have peddles, a chain, or training wheels, and they’re great for teaching toddlers, or older kids, the sort of coordination necessary to ride a bicycle.
- Kazam Balance Bike
For children ages 3-6, this bike teaches your kids the balance and coordination needed for bicycle riding. As a toddler bicycle, it has the steering and balancing challenges of traditional bikes, but without peddles, a chain, or training wheels. It weighs just under ten pounds. - Diggin Active Skuut Wooden Balance Bike}
The Skuut is designed for children as young as two years old, but it’s also suitable up to kids age five. The bike is decidedly stylish, with kids able to kick off the ground or “skuut” themselves forward. It’s made of birchwood. - Strider PREbike Balance Running Bike
Designed for children from ages 1 to 5, the Strider is a “running bike” designed to help kids get over the fears typical with bike riding. It’s lightweight, easy to learn, and can help kids when they move to a traditional bike.
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