Google+ is everywhere. The mainstream media, the blogosphere, Twitter, and elsewhere. And even though it’s gotten some rave reviews, you may be wondering: “I don’t need another social network, do I?” Yes, you do, at least according to author Chris Brogan, who’s got a list of 10 things marketers need to know about Google+. And […]
Author Archive | Allan Hoffman

TechCrunch: 9 tips to engineer a viral-video sensation
How do you create a viral video? Glean tips from Dan Ackerman Greenberg, co-founder of viral video marketing company The Comotion Group.

Tumblr moves up to #8
Tumblr is entirely awesome, and so what was it doing down in the 50s of our classic top 100 list of the web’s best sites?
Flickr gets social with sharing features and Tumblr integration
Flickr wants to be “the hub for your photos on the Internet,” or so Flickr says at the Flickr blog. Well, how about that! For many, Flickr is already that hub. But Flickr, no doubt feeling the competition, especially from tools for iPhone photography—Instagram, in particular—wants to add ways to share your photos. As the […]

Create your own Twitter newspaper
With, a startup that’s currently in “alpha” mode, you can create your own Twitter newspaper. And what’s a Twitter newspaper? Well, it’s a bunch of links shared on Twitter that’s presented in a web newspaper-style format.

New top 100 list: Food 100
We love food. Who doesn’t? And the web is a delicious and wondrous bounty of food information. Recipes. Foodblogs. Luscious-looking photography of rhubarb-almond bars, pistachio-crusted salmon, and just about anything else you can imagine.

Wow! 500 photographers
Amazing photographers are out there on the web, and Rotterdam-based photographer and blogger Pieter Wisse is tracking them down.

Photojojo provides tutorial on light painting
As a kid, I was obsessed with photography (still am, really), and one of my favorite things was to create photographic light sculptures by leaving the shutter open and then “painting” in the frame with a sparkler or flashlight.

Your camera is in your pocket
Cameraphones have typically been used for throwaway photos, but that’s all changing now, and there’s no better place to see this in action than the stunning, beautifully designed book by photographer Chase Jarvis, “The Best Camera Is the One That’s with You.”

10 questions for SMITH
If you think you can’t say much in six words, then you haven’t heard of SMITH.