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Author Archive | Joe Keggin
Show off your superior music taste and knowledge to your followers with Blip.fm, which allows songs to be posted to your feed.
Friend or Follow
Ranked #41 in Twitter 100
Finding it hard to see where the twittering is mutual? Don’t trawl through your follower lists, just use Friend or Follow.

11 books to teach you everything you need to know about social media and marketing
Social networking and marketing. The two obviously go hand-in-hand, as many businesses today spend countless hours and dollars on making the most of Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking and micro-blogging services.
Hilarious and awesome: The 21 best webcomics
When future generations look back on life at the beginning of the 21st century, I hope they judge us on our webcomics.
5 reasons why xkcd is a must-read
xkcd (capitalisation frowned upon) proclaims to be “a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math and language.” It is also constantly imaginative, witty and at times, touching.