[killingme2_0] Now that TV channels rarely play music videos anymore, the Internet has become musicians’ primary environment through which to provide a visual aspect to their music.
Author Archive | Matt Sevits

98 awesome levitation photo-illustrations
OK, so the people and objects in these photos might not be levitating for real, but sometimes it’s just fun to pretend — and, thanks to some skilled Photoshoppers, it looks incredibly real.

5 really useful tips and tricks for your new Kindle 3
So you recently became the owner of a slick new Kindle 3. Congratulations! Hopefully you’re enjoying your new device.

Add an old-school touch to your iPhone
Here’s a quirky (i.e. Japanese) iPhone accessory you probably didn’t realize you needed: Phone x Phone, an old-school wired phone that serves an iPhone charging dock — and real phone, all in one.

Linguists declare “app” Word of the Year for 2010
It looks like 2010 was the year of the app. The American Dialect Society elected the word “app” as the 2010 Word of Year recently because it “best sums up the country’s preoccupation last year.”

Google Goggles will now solve sudoku puzzles for you
You’ve probably heard of Google Goggles, the innovative service that allows users to perform a variety of web searches and other mobile tasks through the lens of a cell phone camera. Simply take a picture of a Pepsi can and Goggles will initiate a google search for you.

Wall Street Journal: Why digital newsstands stink
For a while there, it seemed like iPad magazines were on-track to “save” the publishing industry from falling victim to the Internet and all of its free content, but now it’s looking like that might not happen.

35 stunning 3D images that don’t require special glasses
Just in time for the holidays, Gizmodo brings us a fun photography treat: 3D photography — no glasses required.

Firefox goes on a campaign of cuteness
Firefox might be known for reliability and functionality, but now you add cuteness to its list of accomplishments.
“Photoshop Tutorial Rap”
Ranked #22 in Viral Video 100
Sure, this rap video about Photoshop techniques is super funny, but it’s also surprisingly informative. Watch it and you might learn a few things.