Here are some clubs to help take the fear out of your eyes. Get away from the same, stale booze you drink every night and try something new.

7 easy ways to get wine and beer delivered to your doorstep
The only 3 TV blogs you’ll ever need
If you’re into TV as much as I am, you need a daily resource (or two) to fulfill your constant hunger for all things television.
4 music blogs shamelessly devoted to pop
From 1960s classic rock to grunge, it seems that every music blog caters to a finely tuned niche of discriminating music fans.

7 sites to kill time (and have fun, too)
Don’t just stare at the clock all day. If you’re trying to avoid working, studying, or just looking for a way to kill time, then check out these websites.
Beyond Wikipedia: 7 wikis for everything from “Lost” to lyrics
When most people hear “wiki,” the first thing that comes to mind is probably Wikipedia. But that’s about to change.
5 time-saving personal outsourcing services
Outsourcing is no longer just for the corporate world. Whatever you don’t have time to do, you can probably find a virtual somebody in a place far, far away to do it for you.
3 top stores for refurbished products
To the uninitiated, buying a refurbished product may seem like a compromise, as if you’re settling for a product likely to have dents, scratches, or unknown problems.
5 browser toolbars for quick info
Got a minute? That’s about how long it will take to make your Web browser—probably the most valuable tool on your PC—even more useful.
7 productivity-enhancing text-messaging services
Text messaging is simple, it’s quick, and it’s not just about teenagers using texting slang, like “hw” (for homework) or “ttyl” (for talk to you later), to gossip and get together.
5 spots for swapping movies and music
Maybe you don’t really want the DVD of “Finding Nemo” your sister-in-law got you for your birthday. Or another copy of “Who Moved My Cheese.” Or, for that matter, any number of other gifts.