Who are the smartest and most innovative researchers across the U.S.? The editors of Popular Science have chose this year’s “Brilliant 10”: researchers and scientists representing “the best of what science can achieve and demonstrate.”

Popular Science names “brilliant 10” researchers/scientists under 40

6 apps and websites for finding the best restaurants
Google recently acquired Zagat, the restaurant-guide company, and that should make things interesting for anyone who’s ever used one of the Zagat guides—or a service like Yelp—to find restaurants. Here’s a list of apps and websites for finding restaurants and ordering food.

NY Times and Doctor Popular: 10 great iPhoneography apps
The New York Times explores iPhoneography, photo strolls, and talks to Doctor Popular, who names ten great iPhone photography apps.

3 stylish and sturdy back-to-school backpacks
Here’s what Consumer Search says about three backpacks suitable for college students, high schoolers, and others.

Brain Pickings: 14 children’s books by famous writers of “grown-up” literature
Brain Pickings is a wonderful weekly e-newsletter about culture, and it recently featured a pair of reviews of children’s books written by famous authors, from Mark Twain to Virginia Woolf.

The next big thing? 20 startups to watch
It’s pretty tough to predict the next big thing, but that’s what Business Insider is trying to do with its list of 20 startups to watch.

Be a collector: 10 spots where you can find affordable art
Two websites on our Indie 100 list, 20×200 and Tiny Showcase, have made it onto a top 10 list of spots to buy art online.

The Next Web names the top Instagram apps, from Postagram to Stickygram
Instagram is a service with an ever-evolving following (yes, Justin Bieber included), and there’s a wonderful ecosystem of apps surrounding the iPhone photo-sharing service.

23 summer book recommendations from 23 admired authors
There’s nothing like a book at the beach, and Time has book recommendations from 23 authors, such as Wole Soyinka and Jonathan Franzen.

CNN: 50 new and cool tech tools
CNN’s got a somewhat random list of technology tools. What’s the point of the list? No point, really, other than to direct you to a hodge-podge of social media websites, mobile apps, and the like.