Damn You Auto Correct is one of the most consistently funny sites out there. The site recently listed “the 15 most viewed autocorrect fails sent in to Damn You Autocorrect since the site launch.”
5 reasons you need to start using Google+
Google+ is everywhere. The mainstream media, the blogosphere, Twitter, and elsewhere. And even though it’s gotten some rave reviews, you may be wondering: “I don’t need another social network, do I?” Yes, you do, at least according to author Chris Brogan, who’s got a list of 10 things marketers need to know about Google+. And […]

Really useful: a handy intro to Spotify
Spotify’s “any track, anywhere, anytime” version of music streaming is now available in the United States, and if you have an invite for it (or if you’re waiting for one to arrive), you may want to know how to get started with the service.
TechCrunch: Google engaged in “six-front war”
Google gets lots of attention, often for its big battles with Apple and Facebook. But as a TechCrunch post by entrepreneur Semil Shah contends, it’s worth noting that Google isn’t just in a war with Facebook, it’s at war with multiple companies across multiple industries.

TechCrunch: 9 tips to engineer a viral-video sensation
How do you create a viral video? Glean tips from Dan Ackerman Greenberg, co-founder of viral video marketing company The Comotion Group.

5 essential services for living life in the cloud
The newest trend in file management is cloud storage — “cloud” referring to that magical land known as the Internet. With your life stored in the cloud, all of your stuff is more accessible to you than ever, meaning you’ll never have to live without your music, your files, or even your books.

4 best photography apps for Android phones
If you got a new Android phone this holiday season, you might be wondering, “How can I make those cool retro-looking photos that all my iPhone-bearing friends keep posting?” Wonder no more: These four apps will cure your iPhone envy and give you just as much power and flexibility to create intriguing photography right from your Android phone’s camera.

This animated commercial was made completely in Photoshop
We’re all used to seeing still images (or maybe an animated .GIF or two) that have been created with Adobe Photoshop, but video? That’s a new one.

Summify helps you avoid information overload with periodic social network summaries
Between Facebook, Twitter, and all of your favorite RSS feeds, there’s a lot to keep track of every day. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the near-constant barrage of information available online.

Send your Pandora play counts to last.fm with LastPandora
If you’re one of the many last.fm users who obsesses over play counts and personalized music charts, then you probably hate that you can’t sync your last.fm account with your custom Pandora experience.