Get ready for the advent of the smartwatch. These watches can be connected to our phones, they can alert us to incoming messages, and they can even be used as remote controls for a variety of other gadgets.

6 great accessories for the iPad mini
An arcade for your iPad mini? A stylus? Yes, now that you own an iPad mini, it’s time to think about the accessories to buy for it.

Never lose your keys with the Proximo Proximity system
Technology can do a lot for us, and now it’s promising to help us from losing our keys. Really.

3 excellent external keyboards for Android
Looking for a keyboard for an Android phone? Here are three top choices.

Mossberg: Upgrading to Windows 8 isn’t for “old-at-heart PCs”
Learn about the hassles of upgrading to Windows 8. Yes: It’s often not as easy as it should be.
Impossible Project delivers Polaroids of smartphone photos
Mobile photography is revolutionizing photography, but it’s not entirely instant, especially when it comes to printing.

SlideShark lets you carry PowerPoint presentations in your pocket
If you’re a fan of PowerPoint, and the iPhone, then you may want to check out an app called SlideShark.

Instacart offers one-hour grocery deliveries
You really want those Oreos? Then Instacart wants oblige.

The ultimate Mountain Lion review from Ars Technica
Want to know about OS X Mountain Lion? Here’s a 26,000-word review.
Video tips: How to shoot video that doesn’t suck
So much video, so little time. Here’s a book with tips to shoot video that doesn’t suck.