Got a hangover? offers detailed percentage and proof information on a variety of alcoholic beverages that may help you say no to that extra gin and tonic.
Tag Archives | education
Seafood Watch at Monterey Bay Aquarium
A champion of ocean conservation, the Seafood Watch program at the Monterey Bay Aquarium is a wellspring of information.
Sustainable Table
By Carly Okyle
on April 22, 2010
in Food 100 > Sustainable, Organic, and Local
Ranked #49 in Food 100
Ranked #49 in Food 100
With links to environmentally and socially conscious websites and databases, Sustainable Table makes it easy to practice careful consumption.
For anyone with any doubts about eating meat, this site provides plenty of good reasons to go vegetarian.

Gear up for college with 10 must-have iPhone apps
By Adrienne Vogt
on September 1, 2009
in News and Info
Heading back to college? There’s an app for that. Today’s high-tech, plugged-in college students have grown up with Google spitting out answers to any possible inquiry within five seconds.
Got a hangover? offers detailed percentage and proof information on a variety of alcoholic beverages that may help you say no to that extra gin and tonic.