First, Robyn brought us her Twitter-centric interactive music video, but Arcade Fire has taken the idea to a completely different level.
Tag Archives | google

Arcade Fire team up with Google for an interactive music video

Trade Gmail’s ads for detailed information on your contacts
How often do you check out the ads on the right-hand side of your Gmail window? I’m guessing never.

Will Google’s App Inventor help or hinder Android?
Google recently unveiled its latest attempt to open up the Web to everyone: It’s App Inventor, a visual app creator that lets anyone, regardless of programming knowledge, create apps for Google’s Android mobile operating system.

4 best places to get Android app reviews
If you’re an Android user, the chances are pretty good that you’ve wasted some valuable time (and maybe money) on useless or deceiving apps in the Android Market.

5 great sources for Android news and reviews
When the Android mobile operating system overtook the iPhone in terms of market share, it became clear that Android was officially worth watching.
Google vs. Apple: 10 battles
Remember IBM vs. Microsoft? And Apple vs. Microsoft? And Microsoft vs. Everyone? Well, the latest mega-fight is between Google and Apple, or so it seems.
Google Docs revamped, adds Drawings
Google Docs is already a terrific suite of Office-like applications, and now it’s getting even better. Google has revamped Docs to make it faster, more responsive, and easier to collaborate
Picnik photo editing tool purchased by Google
Picnik, currently at #42 on our Photo 100 list, is being purchased by Google. As the company noted in a blog post, “More than ever before, people are sharing and storing their photos online.
Google buzz generating lots of buzz: a roundup
Google doesn’t have to do all that much to generate buzz—the company’s pretty much a buzz machine these days—but with its launch of Google Buzz, there’s a lot to discuss and evaluate, the technology world’s buzz evaluators are going wild.
eWEEK looks back on Google’s domination of 2009
In spite of the economic recession, Google proved indestructible in 2009. While top companies declared bankruptcy, leaving tens of thousands of employees jobless, Google’s popularity skyrocketed.