Show off your superior music taste and knowledge to your followers with, which allows songs to be posted to your feed.
Tag Archives | music
Unplug your earbuds and let the world know what you’re listening to with this simple music-sharing tool for Twitter.
Top 10 iPod and MP3 gadgets
In the vast sea of MP3 players, headphones, and other portable audio accessories, not all can reign supreme.
“Ashlee Simpson on SNL”
When Ashlee Simpson is discovered lip syncing on SNL, her way of coping is breaking out in a funky dance across the stage.
“Naughty Little Mermaid”
A perverse take on one of Disney’s classic songs, “Part of Your World,” sung by a voice indistinguishable from the original Princess Ariel.
“Alanis Morrissette’s Spoof of My Humps”
Ranked #97 in Viral Video 100
Fergie’s original song becomes a romantic ballad veering on the tragic in Alanis Morissette’s hilarious rendition of the classic lyrics, “My humps, my lovely lady lumps.”
“He Wolf”
Ranked #76 in Viral Video 100
This nearly shot-for-shot remake of Shakira’s “She Wolf” video just might be the most disturbing thing you’ve seen all day
“‘Paper Planes’ with Cats and Dogs”
Ranked #80 in Viral Video 100
The attitude of M.I.A.’s hit song combines with a wildly popular Internet meme for a quirky and funny clash of worlds.
“Keyboard Cat”
Ranked #39 in Viral Video 100
Call it animal abuse if you want, but this classic viral video is still one of the cutest things ever.

Gear up for college with 10 must-have iPhone apps
Heading back to college? There’s an app for that. Today’s high-tech, plugged-in college students have grown up with Google spitting out answers to any possible inquiry within five seconds.