Damn You Auto Correct is one of the most consistently funny sites out there. The site recently listed “the 15 most viewed autocorrect fails sent in to Damn You Autocorrect since the site launch.”
Tag Archives | offbeat

3 travel startups that will get you packing
Planning a trip can be both fun and, at times, something of a hassle. But there are some new travel startup websites that make planning your next vacation a whole lot less time-consuming and, in some cases, a lot more affordable.

Customized chocolate bars? Yippee
Generally speaking, there are very few things that can do the trick better than a piece of chocolate.

Yeah, yeah, yeah…but what is it?
There’s a new website out there for photo-fanatics (or the easily distracted), that allows anyone with a camera phone and mobile internet service to anonymously upload pictures to their page.

“Jeff in Venice, Death in Varnasi”
“Jeff in Venice, Death in Varanasi” is a brilliant satire vacillating between ancient and modern worlds and tribulations.

“And Now There’s This”
In “And Now There’s This,” Bill Wasik examines herd mentality and the dissemination of information in the digital age.
Shorty Awards offer kudos for Twitter info and innovation
Twitter can be used for fun. For art. For everything. That was demonstrated at the second annual Shorty Awards, an award for innovation with Twitter.

Young Me, Now Me: a photo experiment with an emotional jolt
The idea is a simple one: Grab an old photograph of yourself, and take a new one in the exact same pose.

5 intriguing facts from Hendrik Hertzberg’s “One Million”
One million: There’s something magical and mysterious about the number.

Nostalgia-fest: 10 now-obsolete ideas and objects
Get ready for a nostalgia-fest, as Anna Jane Grossman’s fun and thought-provoking book,