More and more people are reading books on their Kindles and iPads and other e-reading devices, but there are still zillions of printed books being purchased, too. But is the printed book about to become a relic? Maybe so, says a writer for the Telegraph.
Tag Archives | publishing
Sony exec predicts e-books will dominate print
It’s a somewhat scary thought. In five years, digital media may just overtake print. Steve Haber, president of Sony’s digital reading business division, is convinced that the e-book market has gained so much momentum in the last few years that it is now unstoppable.

Wow-inducing “Alice” book for the iPad
Yes, it’s happened, and in a big way: “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” has been reimagined for the iPad, and it’s a winner.
Social publishing + Red Cross = 100 stories for Haiti
Social publishing meets Haiti relief efforts with a new book, “100 Stories for Haiti,” author Greg McQueen’s effort to raise money for the Red Cross.
Fantagraphics Books
Fantagraphics Books has been the most important publisher and promoter of alternative comics in the United States since 1979.
The New York Center for Independent Publishing
The epicenter of a vibrant literary community, the center provides blossoming writers and independent publishing houses with a host of useful resources, events and workshops.
SMITH Magazine
This DIY memoir and personal narrative site allows you to spill your guts online without the hassle of a book deal.