Google doesn’t have to do all that much to generate buzz—the company’s pretty much a buzz machine these days—but with its launch of Google Buzz, there’s a lot to discuss and evaluate, the technology world’s buzz evaluators are going wild.
Tag Archives | social networking
Google buzz generating lots of buzz: a roundup
Tweet My Gaming
Love video games? Love Twitter? Combine those two and the result is Tweet My Gaming, a must for gamers.
Ranked #86 in Twitter 100
It’s a vast Twitterverse out there. Make it smaller by using Localtweeps to network with tweeple from your town or surrounding area.
On Twitter: Chris Brogan
Chris Brogan wants businesses to recognize Twitter is key to their development. He helps redefine community and builds up companies through social networking.
Ranked #89 in Twitter 100
Keep track of everyone who owes you a beer or coffee — and vice-versa — on Twitter with this ingenious tool.
Friend or Follow
Ranked #41 in Twitter 100
Finding it hard to see where the twittering is mutual? Don’t trawl through your follower lists, just use Friend or Follow.
Unplug your earbuds and let the world know what you’re listening to with this simple music-sharing tool for Twitter.

Gear up for college with 10 must-have iPhone apps
Heading back to college? There’s an app for that. Today’s high-tech, plugged-in college students have grown up with Google spitting out answers to any possible inquiry within five seconds.

11 books to teach you everything you need to know about social media and marketing
Social networking and marketing. The two obviously go hand-in-hand, as many businesses today spend countless hours and dollars on making the most of Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking and micro-blogging services.
An extensive social database for book lovers, Goodreads allows users to discuss new book finds and discover recommendations through a network of fellow bookworms.