Looking for an HDTV? Well, PCMag.com has picked four of the best.
Tag Archives | television

3 best Internet-connected Blu-ray players for Netflix streaming
Do you want Netflix streaming movies on your TV? Sure you do. And short of buying an Internet-connected television—quite an expensive proposition, especially if you just bought a high-definition (HD) 42-inch television—then you can have your Internet and eat it too (well, not really, but you get the gist).

3 top televisions for the 3D experience
3D movies. We’ve all watched at least one. There you are, sitting in your seat at the movie theater; popcorn in one hand, a Coca-Cola in the other, and those dreaded 3D glasses clinging to your face, giving you a painstakingly-awkward feeling comparable to your eighth grade yearbook photo.
Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen
Ranked #97 in Food 100
Extensive website dedicated to following up on restaurants featured on Gordon Ramsay’s TV show “Kitchen Nightmares,” with the goal of determining how helpful Ramsay really is.