We’ve all done it (or thought about doing it), but this man’s decision to photocopy himself doesn’t go as planned.
Tag Archives | work
“Fat Guy Breaks Photocopier”
By Web100 Staff
on August 25, 2009
in Viral Video 100 > People Acting Stupid
Ranked #68 in Viral Video 100
Ranked #68 in Viral Video 100

7 sites to kill time (and have fun, too)
By Levi Davis
on March 25, 2009
in News and Info
Don’t just stare at the clock all day. If you’re trying to avoid working, studying, or just looking for a way to kill time, then check out these websites.
Social networking isn’t just about posting photos and status updates. With LinkedIn, you’ve got a social networking hub that’s focused on your professional life.
By Web100 Staff
on January 5, 2009
in Web 100 > Business, Investing, and Work
Here’s your own printing and delivery service, whether you’re an executive at a Fortune 500 company or a consultant with an office in the attic.
Staples delivers (literally and figuratively) when it comes to toner cartridges, desks, legal pads, and every other sort of office supply product.