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First there was TwitPic, giving you the power to share images via Twitter. Then there were sites dedicating to song-tweeting. Now there’s TwitVid, which does exactly what you’d expect it to do: It allows you to upload videos and post them directly to Twitter. TwitVid is extremely easy to use and has all the features you never knew you needed. To get started, all you have to do is log in via your Twitter account, type out your tweet and upload your video. You can even add multiple videos at once and create a playlist or record a video straight from your webcam, eliminating the need to record first and upload later. When you’re not near a computer, simply e-mail your videos from your mobile phone to the provided e-mail address. The video will post to Twitter and TwitVid simultaneously, so there’s no extra work on your part. You can even retweet videos, follow users, flag videos that you like and get the HTML code to embed videos from each individual video’s page.

Visit TwitVid.

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