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Archive | Twitter 100

The Twitter 100 list was written in 2010. It is no longer being updated.


If you’re tired of using the standard Twitter interface, switch up it and add some much-needed features with this alternative.

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Even if you don’t have an iPhone, that doesn’t mean you have to go without a robust mobile Twitter experience.

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93Tweet Trends

This trend-tracking iPhone app helps you stay up-to-date with all the most popular topics among your friends and Twitter as a whole.

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94“Twitter for Dummies”

This is a Dummies book, but it’s not just for dummies, as it takes readers through topics from getting started with Twitter to using it for business.

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95Twitter How-to: Use Twitter commands

Couple your on-the-go lifestyle with easy text commands that let you control Twitter from anywhere.

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Looking for a Twitter tool for your Android phone? Twidroid is among the best, supporting all of the usual services — and then some.

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Expand your multimedia-sharing options on Twitter by posting videos to TwitVid, and show off your pretty face and charming personality to the world.

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98“The Twitter Technique”

This guide dishes out tips on using Twitter to leverage your product and target a specialized niche audience.

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99On Twitter: PostSecret

Do you want to know a secret? Users on PostSecret’s Twitter page can access the latest anonymous confessions and find information on PostSecret books and events.

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