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Archive | Twitter 100

The Twitter 100 list was written in 2010. It is no longer being updated.

61“Twitter Revolution”

The book “Twitter Revolution” helps you to stay on the cutting edge with a look at how Twitter is changing the business world (and how you can take advantage of it).

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Update the one person who really wants to hear about your day—your mom. It’s “Twitter for your Jewish mother.” And you can update her, without calling her.

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64“Twitter Means Business”

This book argues that if your company isn’t on Twitter, you’re probably missing out on a valuable opportunity.

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65Twitter Tip: Watch what you tweet

Everyone can see what you post, so think twice before bashing your coworkers or spicing up your tweets with profanities.

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67Twitter Lingo: Follow

Following other users is one of the most essential functions of Twitter, along with the equally important posting of updates.

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Twittergram allows others to see through your eyes by automatically updating your Twitter feed with your latest Flickr posts.

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69On Twitter: The Onion

With The Onion’s satirical, laugh-out-loud headlines in your Twitter stream, you’ll be able to tap into one of the world’s great sources of humor and parody.

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Feeling a bit crowded lately on Twitter? Customize groups of twitterers so you can see the most important tweets to you all at once.

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