Stay up-to-date with your favorite topics on Twitter the easy way — with clickable tags embedded in your tweets.
8Twitter in Plain English
Twitter might be hard to understand at first, but this short and simple tutorial video doesn’t have to be.
11Twitter How-to: Retweet
Re-posting others’ tweets is a good way to share information with your followers and earn valuable brownie points in the process.
16How to Find a Job on Twitter
Believe it or not, plenty of companies are using social media like Twitter to find their ideal job candidates.
18Twitter How-to: Use @replies
Don’t be a hermit. Use Twitter’s built-in conversation tools to interact with your friends and followers.
24Twitter How-to: Utilize links
Using links in your tweets can serve multiple purposes and enrich your Twitter experience with multimedia and personal promotion.
30How-to: Use Twitter Lists
How do you stay organized? With lists, of course. Twitter’s lists feature is indispensable, making it possible to keep tabs on groups of twitterers.
36Twitter How-to: Customize your profile
If you want to get noticed on Twitter, you’d better make sure your profile is optimized to work for you.
43Twitter How-to: Use Twitter search
With Twitter’s endlessly useful built-in search function, look for tweets about your favorite people and topics, and find new people with similar interests.
58Twitter How-to: Use direct messages
Twitter may be public, but it does allow you to send a private message, known as a direct message (or DM), to another Twitter user.