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Archive | Viral Video 100

51“I’m on a Boat”

Andy Samberg and the guys of Lonely Island have had many hits on “SNL,” but this one exploded as the group prepared its debut album.

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52“Chad Vader”

For reasons that are difficult to explain, there’s just something hilarious about Darth Vader living an ordinary life as a day manager.

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53“Proposal in Stop Motion”

How’s this for a way to propose: Lego characters meeting and falling in love in an elaborate stop-motion display of devotion. Wow.

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54“Atop World’s Tallest Building”

What’s it like to be at the very, very top of the world’s tallest building (in Dubai)? That’s what you’ll find out in this video.

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55“Lost Generation”

What seems, at first, like a list of clichés, becomes an inspiring visual narrative when put in reverse.

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56“Mattress Dominoes”

These people are having fun with their attempt at a world record, and it’s fun to watch — especially with all the grunts and “oomphs.”

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57“Fox Jumps Over Lazy Dog”

A playful fox looks for a companion in a lazy dog and tries again and again to jump over his friend’s body.

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58“Bacon Kid”

ABC’s “Wife Swap” is a neverending source of entertainment, but this kid provides the kind of dramatic blowup usually reserved for the adults.

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59“Ridiculously Awesome Fight Scene”

Be warned: This oddly funny fight scene from a poorly dubbed Asian film features lots of fake graphic violence.

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60“Girl Forgets Boyfriend is on Vacation”

For some reason, it never gets old to read other people’s angry letters and e-mails that they assume will stay private.

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