Amazon likes to brag that you can read all the newspapers and magazines you want, wirelessly, from the comfort of your Kindle. Unfortunately, the costs associated with subscribing to these publications may be a little too steep for some. Enter Delivereads, which delivers free, high-quality content to your Kindle.
Looking for free content for your Kindle? Delivereads delivers with quality curated content
By Matt Sevits
on August 26, 2011
in Tech and Gadgets
NY Times and Doctor Popular: 10 great iPhoneography apps
By Allan Hoffman
on August 26, 2011
in News and Info
The New York Times explores iPhoneography, photo strolls, and talks to Doctor Popular, who names ten great iPhone photography apps.
60+ ways to make Dropbox incredibly useful
By Allan Hoffman
on August 18, 2011
in Tech and Gadgets
Macworld’s got something of a crowdsourced uber-list of the possibilities for Dropbox, and it’s just awesome.
Telegraph: Why the printed book is doomed
By Web100 Staff
on August 16, 2011
in Tech and Gadgets
More and more people are reading books on their Kindles and iPads and other e-reading devices, but there are still zillions of printed books being purchased, too. But is the printed book about to become a relic? Maybe so, says a writer for the Telegraph.
3 stylish and sturdy back-to-school backpacks
By Web100 Staff
on August 15, 2011
in News and Info
Here’s what Consumer Search says about three backpacks suitable for college students, high schoolers, and others.