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Apple TV vs. Roku: Angry Birds flies into the fight

What’s a better choice for a set-top box to stream movies, the Roku box or Apple TV? That’s a tough call, but maybe Angry Birds, now available for Roku, will help consumers decide.

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3 top features of Mac OS X Lion

Here’s a very quick, very brief preview of three standout features of Mac OS X Lion.

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5 reasons you need to start using Google+

Google+ is everywhere. The mainstream media, the blogosphere, Twitter, and elsewhere. And even though it’s gotten some rave reviews, you may be wondering: “I don’t need another social network, do I?” Yes, you do, at least according to author Chris Brogan, who’s got a list of 10 things marketers need to know about Google+. And […]

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Really useful: a handy intro to Spotify

Spotify’s “any track, anywhere, anytime” version of music streaming is now available in the United States, and if you have an invite for it (or if you’re waiting for one to arrive), you may want to know how to get started with the service.

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Will the Amazon tablet be cheaper than the iPad?

That seems likely, especially because the Amazon tablet probably won’t have a camera. Amazon plans to release the tablet in the fall, according to reports, and will view it, in part, as a way to allow people to buy (and rent) Amazon content on its own device.

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