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TechCrunch: Google engaged in “six-front war”

Google gets lots of attention, often for its big battles with Apple and Facebook. But as a TechCrunch post by entrepreneur Semil Shah contends, it’s worth noting that Google isn’t just in a war with Facebook, it’s at war with multiple companies across multiple industries.

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5 ways smartphones will change (destroy?) life as we know it

Damon Darlin of the New York Times recently wrote an amusing take on smartphones, outlining five improvements to life possible with smartphones.

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TechCrunch: 9 tips to engineer a viral-video sensation

How do you create a viral video? Glean tips from Dan Ackerman Greenberg, co-founder of viral video marketing company The Comotion Group.

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Macworld: 12 best stylus options for touch-screen art

Touch-screen art, typically created with the iPhone or the iPad, is everywhere these days, from gallery shows to the cover of the New Yorker magazine. Macworld provides a handy comparison of a variety of touch-screen styluses, and gives them star ratings.

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5 essential services for living life in the cloud

The newest trend in file management is cloud storage — “cloud” referring to that magical land known as the Internet. With your life stored in the cloud, all of your stuff is more accessible to you than ever, meaning you’ll never have to live without your music, your files, or even your books.

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