What are the best apps? That’s a subject for lots of debate, but Business Insider has named what it thinks are the top 100.
Tag Archives | apps

Business Insider names the 100 greatest Android and iPhone apps

100 best iPhone photography apps
You may know about Hipstamatic and Instagram, but that’s just the start for iPhone photography. Here’s a list of the top 100 iPhone photography apps.

6 apps and websites for finding the best restaurants
Google recently acquired Zagat, the restaurant-guide company, and that should make things interesting for anyone who’s ever used one of the Zagat guides—or a service like Yelp—to find restaurants. Here’s a list of apps and websites for finding restaurants and ordering food.

CNN: 50 new and cool tech tools
CNN’s got a somewhat random list of technology tools. What’s the point of the list? No point, really, other than to direct you to a hodge-podge of social media websites, mobile apps, and the like.

4 best photography apps for Android phones
If you got a new Android phone this holiday season, you might be wondering, “How can I make those cool retro-looking photos that all my iPhone-bearing friends keep posting?” Wonder no more: These four apps will cure your iPhone envy and give you just as much power and flexibility to create intriguing photography right from your Android phone’s camera.

Linguists declare “app” Word of the Year for 2010
It looks like 2010 was the year of the app. The American Dialect Society elected the word “app” as the 2010 Word of Year recently because it “best sums up the country’s preoccupation last year.”

Google Goggles will now solve sudoku puzzles for you
You’ve probably heard of Google Goggles, the innovative service that allows users to perform a variety of web searches and other mobile tasks through the lens of a cell phone camera. Simply take a picture of a Pepsi can and Goggles will initiate a google search for you.

A book to help you become an iPhone app mogul
There are plenty of books out there aimed at helping programmers build iPhone apps, but what about books for companies, consultants, and others who are looking to create apps for their organizations—or as a way to make a buck?

ABC creates an app that’s meant to be used while you watch TV
ABC’s latest app, My Generation, lets you interact with the ABC documentary show of the same name on your iPad while you watch.

Slide Screen: Replace your Android home screen with a personalized info feed
There are plenty of home screen replacements available on the Android Market (LauncherPro being the most popular) but none of them are anything like Slide Screen.