If you got a new Android phone this holiday season, you might be wondering, “How can I make those cool retro-looking photos that all my iPhone-bearing friends keep posting?” Wonder no more: These four apps will cure your iPhone envy and give you just as much power and flexibility to create intriguing photography right from your Android phone’s camera.
Tag Archives | photography
Flickr gets social with sharing features and Tumblr integration
Flickr wants to be “the hub for your photos on the Internet,” or so Flickr says at the Flickr blog. Well, how about that! For many, Flickr is already that hub. But Flickr, no doubt feeling the competition, especially from tools for iPhone photography—Instagram, in particular—wants to add ways to share your photos. As the […]

GigaOM: 7 camera apps for the iPhone
[camapps_00_icons] In an article for GigaOM, Charles Jade provides a rundown of seven camera apps for the iPhone.

98 awesome levitation photo-illustrations
OK, so the people and objects in these photos might not be levitating for real, but sometimes it’s just fun to pretend — and, thanks to some skilled Photoshoppers, it looks incredibly real.

35 stunning 3D images that don’t require special glasses
Just in time for the holidays, Gizmodo brings us a fun photography treat: 3D photography — no glasses required.

3 top coffee table books of 2010
Ebooks are the rage, but guess what? There’s nothing like a well-designed art or design book, especially as a gift. Traditional books are special—more special than ever—and these three make terrific gifts.

5 digital SLRs that shoot HD video
With the way technology is moving toward the integration of multiple devices into multi-function super-devices, it no longer makes sense to have separate cameras for photo and video.

7 best point-and-shoot cameras with manual settings
It turns out you don’t need a fancy DSLR camera to take amazing photos — or to have control over the look of your photos.

Mashable’s top 10 iPhone photography websites
Mashable’s got a great list of the “10 essential websites for iPhone photographers.
Macworld: 9 great cameras
Macworld’s got an excellent run-down of nine great cameras “for beginners,” as the article says—though, truth be told, quite a few of these would suit experienced shutterbugs just fine.