Dust, water, extreme heat, freezing temperatures—all the elements that make an adventure-seeker’s heart pitter-patter with delight, while at the same time giving an avid photographer a pseudo heart attack.
Tag Archives | photography

5 smartphones for photography junkies
Thanks to recent improvements in smartphones and their photo-taking capabilities, no longer are the days where a photo snapped via your mobile phone leaves you wishing your paparazzi-sized SLR was in reach.

Yeah, yeah, yeah…but what is it?
There’s a new website out there for photo-fanatics (or the easily distracted), that allows anyone with a camera phone and mobile internet service to anonymously upload pictures to their page.

Wow! 500 photographers
Amazing photographers are out there on the web, and Rotterdam-based photographer and blogger Pieter Wisse is tracking them down.
Cannelle et Vanille
If you’ve got a sweet tooth and are handy in the kitchen, hit this blog for some delicious (and delicious-looking) pastry recipes.
Homesick Texan
When you need a comfort-food fix, head to this blog to get your fill of tasty Texan recipes and great anecdotes.

Photojojo provides tutorial on light painting
As a kid, I was obsessed with photography (still am, really), and one of my favorite things was to create photographic light sculptures by leaving the shutter open and then “painting” in the frame with a sparkler or flashlight.

Young Me, Now Me: a photo experiment with an emotional jolt
The idea is a simple one: Grab an old photograph of yourself, and take a new one in the exact same pose.
Picnik photo editing tool purchased by Google
Picnik, currently at #42 on our Photo 100 list, is being purchased by Google. As the company noted in a blog post, “More than ever before, people are sharing and storing their photos online.

Your camera is in your pocket
Cameraphones have typically been used for throwaway photos, but that’s all changing now, and there’s no better place to see this in action than the stunning, beautifully designed book by photographer Chase Jarvis, “The Best Camera Is the One That’s with You.”